After School Pickup | 2019-2019

In case you missed today’s email from Mr. Callaway, please note the following pickup procedures. They are slightly different due to construction, so please be patient with us & if anything changes, there will be another email. Please remember school is out daily at 2:45 p.m.

  • JH pickup at the rear of the building near the east gym exit across from the new playground.

  • Grades 3-5 pickup at the east elementary drive-through (the same as last year).

  • Kindergarten-Grade 2 pickup at the northwest exit/ front drive-through (the same as last year).

  • Early Childhood pickup at the JH wing or southwest front drive-through lane.

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With the completion of our new parking lot expansion, Jr. High students will be picked-up at 2:45 at the rear of the building near the east gym exit across from the new playground, not at the front of the building. Third through fifth graders will be picked up at the east elementary drive-through (as last year), kindergarten through second grade will be picked-up at the northwest exit/front drive-through (as last year), and the EC students will be picked-up at the Jr. High wing or southwest front drive-through lane.
— Tim Callaway, MEd Principal
Brooke Clark