Spotlight | Grade 2 Black History Month Projects
Research + Produce + Present in action
Each year, Grade 2 focuses their research + produce + present projects on important African Americans in our history during Black History Month. Presentations are given about various civil rights leaders, athletes, artists, musicians, scientists, and political leaders that have impacted society greatly over our history.
From the beginning of the project, students begin reading for significant details by using safe search engines to find pictures and relevant information about their given person. As they read, they gather information to create a graphic organizer, which will later help them write a short biography about their person of interest. Students create a presentation such as a PowerPoint, poster, book, etc. and present about their person to their peers and family members.
Other activities in class during this month of research include finding adjectives that describe their person, water coloring a portrait about their person, reading many library books about other important figures, and matching other people to their what makes them famous. Mrs. Duke guides conversations to help students learn about how God designed us equality and how to treat others like Jesus treated others.
“I am so proud of the hard work each student has demonstrated in 2nd grade. It is hard to stand up and give information about a person they have never met. The students were eager and excited to listen and learn from their peers. I saw students encourage and lift each other up whenever they became nervous or stumbled over a word or sentences in their presentations. We are a family and when one person succeeds, we all celebrate.””
While in Grade 1, students begin their research skills with animals, and this project allows our students to expand their research skills and gets them to start asking deeper questions about our history and people in an age-appropriate way. Students get a biblical understanding of God’s design of people and are encouraged to share their learning with others.