Field Day 2023

Photos courtesy of Dena Truette.
All Smiles for Field Day
Field day 2023 was one for the books! With the help of our many parent and Senior High volunteers, it was a wonderful day, and our students had a great day playing games.
We began the day with our Opening Ceremonies, which was really a surprise retirement celebration for Dr. Meadows with the student body. He took walk of champions and high-fived everyone! He received a gift from the students with personalized notes as well as the Christian Service Award from ASCI for his 13 years of service, presented by Mrs. Adams and Brynn Cromar. Following, Mrs. Haddox presented him with our newest sign to go above our chapel that reads “Chapel of Light - In Honor of Dr. Jerry Meadows”, solidifying his legacy on our campus.
After our Opening Ceremonies, field day commenced! From sack races to balloon toss to bowling, our students played hard with great attitudes, despite the cloudy weather. We ate hot dogs (cooked by Hunter Adams and Mrs. Ross) and yummy snow cones! We are grateful for our CA community! Thank to you everyone who volunteered and helped make it a spectacular day for our students.
Field Day Gallery
Please feel free to download any of the photos below! Photos courtesy of Dena Truette + teachers.