Welcome from Dr. Meadows
Read Dr. Meadow’s Full Letter
Dear Warrior Family,
It’s here! I hope you are as ready to return to school as we are. It’s a joy to welcome you to the 2019-2020 school year. As a staff we’re excited about the addition of new furniture to increase student choice through flexible seating, the addition of 73 more parking spaces, the renovation of the playground, and beginning construction on the new Blended Learning Center. Also, our teachers have been planning all summer to provide your students with an engaging, interactive, thought provoking, and rigorous learning experience. Hint: ask your teachers what they’re most excited about this year.
Speaking of the renovation of the playground… At Christ Academy, we don’t just scratch the surface, we DIG deeper. That’s true in every facet of our programs but wait to you see the playground! Even though it won’t be completely finished when school starts, you’ll get the idea and enough will be finished that students can start using parts of it right away.
We set out requiring: SAFETY, FUNCTION, AESTHETICS and intended to start out with just a simple relocation and cleanup. However, God provided us with an opportunity that was too good to miss! While our contractor was here to begin the Blended Learning Center, they designed a new playground that exceeds our wildest expectations, while keeping the total project under our original budget! Plus, a generous donor recognized the value of having the new equipment as soon as possible and agreed to underwrite the cost of the equipment so we could proceed on this new schedule.
This area now truly becomes a focal point of our campus and will often be the first impression visitors will get of our school. When this part of the campaign is competed, here is what you will see: over 70 new parking spaces, durable and attractive fencing, artificial turf, improved drainage, new playground equipment, shaded areas, full line of site for monitoring, safer location, ease of access to building, signage Home of the Warriors, and a Great First Impression of this park-like setting.
For more news and upcoming activities follow the link to read our monthly parent newsletter : In the Loop August 2019.
I anticipate sharing more such unexpected blessings and opportunities as we continue to move into this Next Phase at Christ Academy.
It’s going to be a great year!
See you on the 15th,
Our Mission: To Produce Academically Well-Prepared
Students Who Model the Character of Jesus Christ.