Blended Learning Center
The Brenda Stephens Blended Learning Center was completed in the spring of 2020. However, due to Covid-19, the school began distance learning, and no one was able to tour the BLC upon its completion.
When school reopened in August 2020, CA adhered to strict Coronavirus protocols which did not allow parents into the building, so the BLC was only seen (and used daily) by our Junior and Senior High students and staff.
As Covid protocols have been relaxed, we captured the BLC on film so you could see it. Once it is safe, we hope to welcome all of you into this new wing as it is a true representation of what blended learning looks like on campus.
See all of the photos from the Blended Learning Center now.
The Blended Learning Center has increased our capacity for upper school students.
The patio is used for students to study because it is a flexible space and gives earned freedoms to students.
It is state-of-the-art in technology & security.
There are quiet zones, collaborative zones, restorative areas, enclosed spaces for smaller groupings and focused work giving our students a personalized space for their learning needs.
The student center is used for lunch daily and has a coffee + snack bar that Business Academy students will learn to operate and manage once Covid-19 protocols end.
The Student Center cafe is called, Café 53, 1953 being the year the school was established.