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Thanks to you, we are in a solid financial position, our facilities’ maintenance is planned for and the strategic, thoughtful use of our CA buildings is an integral part of our long-term strategic plan for the school.  The Board serves as the economic steward of Christ Academy’s resources and, over the last four to five years, our main focus has been to make sure that the school is in a good financial position for many years to come.

In conjunction with the Next Phase Capital Campaign, we developed a 5-year strategic plan that focuses on more efficient operations and school management.  Our development team successfully completed this capital campaign last year, and we are well-positioned to continue to grow and provide the support our teachers and staff need to see the mission of our school come to life each day in our students.

Thank you for your support

our donors

Mrs. Emily Adams, Anthony Inman Construction, Mr. Scott Austin, Mrs. Stephanie Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Barnes, Dr. James Boger, Mr. Robert L. Bolin, Mr. and Mrs. John Brasher, Bruce Harris, Attorney at Law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bundy, Mr. Tim Callaway, Mr. and Mrs. John Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Stephane Casteleyn, Mr. and Mrs. Sean Choate, Mr. and Mrs. Houston Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Clarke, Mrs. Marilyn Corn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cory, Mrs. Pam Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Drew Day, Mrs. Angelo DiBiasi, Mr and Mrs. Caleb Donley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Driver, Mrs. Ashley Duke, Ms. Kara J East, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. John Estes, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Estes, Mrs. Beverly Falk, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Finke, Dr Chris Finnell and Dr. Karin Ayer, Dr. and Mrs. Allen Flack, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Florsheim, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Franks, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Frerichs, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gipson, Mr. Rustin Goodgion, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Goodgion, Mr. and Mrs. Von Gray, Mrs. Deborah Grooms, Ms. Ann Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haddox, Harl & Evelyn Mansur Foundation, Harold and Irene Strauss Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harris, Heetland & Heetland Orthodontics, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Henry, Mrs. Margaret Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. John Hooker, Mr and Mrs. Todd Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Mo Issa, Mrs. Dorthe Iversen, Mr. Ganesh Iyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jackson, James N. McCoy Foundation, Mr. William Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kern, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kim, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kimbell, Mr. George Kimbell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kincheloe, Ms. Dee King, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krusekopf, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lam, Leota Steed Foundation, Mrs. Karie Levell, Mr. Brad Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lewis, Mrs. Kathy Liberatore, Mr. and Mrs. Val Liberatore, Mrs. Jolene Lilley, Mr. and Mrs. Shane Lindemann, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lindemann, Mr. and Mrs. Rik Lipscomb, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Madsen, Mark Southard Properties, Mr. Larry Mauldin, Dr. and Mrs. Tim McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McClure, Mrs. Lezlie McInturff, Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Meadows, Mr. Pickett Michael, Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery, Mr. James Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mulder, Mrs. Mary Mulder, Mr. Ted and Mrs. Vicki Neeb, Mr. Guy Northington, Mr. and Mrs. William Northington, Northwestern Mutual Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O'Connell, Mr. and Mrs. Oku Okeke, Orthopaedic Associates LLP, Mr. Randy Owens, Dr. and Mrs. Brandon Perez, Planet Fitness, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pond, Pressed Dry Cleaners, Ms. Nesha Pritchard, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Prothro, Mr. and Mrs. John Reneau, Reneau Rehab, River Ranch Enterprises, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robertson, Mrs. Teresa Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rouillard, Mr. Scott Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shallenberger, Mrs. Kerri Short, Mr. and Mrs. Va Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Southard, Mr. Tom Stephens, Mrs. Thea Sullivan, Mr. Jeff Thacker, The Law Office of Chuck Smith, Mrs. Sherry Thomas, Mr. Caleb Truette, Mrs. Stacey Turner, LaVerne VandDeWall, Mr. Tu-Uyen Vu, Mr. and Mrs. David Vu, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wade, Ms. Kris Warman, Ms. Linda Waters, Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation - Allen and Whitney Flack Family Donor Advised Fund, Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation - The Bluebonnet Donor Advised Fund, Mr. Cavett Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Womble, Dr. and Mrs. Joe Wurster, Dr. and Mrs. Francis Eric Yap, and Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Young