Spotlight | Upper Elementary EXPOS
Research + Produce + Present in action
It’s EXPO season, and our Upper Elementary students have been working hard the past several weeks researching, preparing, and practicing for their EXPO presentations. If you’re unfamiliar, at Christ Academy, our educational approach is Research + Produce + Present, which helps students build the foundational skills of writing, speaking, problem-solving, and leadership. Every grade, from EC3-Grade 12, follows this approach throughout the school year at an age-appropriate level, allowing students to build on each skill from year to year.
Each grade researches and presents a different topic. Grade 3 researches their God-given talents and uses this information to present what they want to be when they grow up. From artists to naval architects to doctors and flavor chemists, these students have big dreams for the future. They know the education they will need to pursue and their estimated future salaries, and they talk through how they will glorify God in their career.
Part of their research also includes writing to a person in their chosen field to ask practical questions about their career. Many times, students receive letters or information back, while sometimes, if they choose a local professional, they are invited to shadow them for a day.
Grade 4’s EXPO presentations allow the students to choose a topic of their interest. Their presentation topics varied widely and included Medieval Times, the Muskox, Lego brand, chocolate, the Eiffel Tower, and more! Each student’s research led them to discover new information about their topic, giving them a sense of ownership of the project. Audience members learned lots of new facts from new experts on these topics.
“EXPOS are something that really set us apart from other schools, particularly in our age group. I really love the fact that we introduce this skill, teach this skill, and support and encourage them in this skill from the time they are very young, so by the time they get to 4th Grade, public speaking is as natural as addition and subtraction or finding the subject and verb in a sentence.”
In Grade 5, EXPOS take a historical approach, preparing them for the coming years of Junior High studies. Students choose one of our U.S. presidents to research and present about their life from childhood throughout their presidency, including little-known facts about their chosen president. Then, they use their critical thinking skills to form an opinion about whether they now view that president as successful or not.
Throughout the entire project for each grade, students integrate their writing, math, and technology skills, which helps them grow in their self-confidence once they take center stage through practice and execution of their presentation. The skills are scaffolded to build on each other as students grow and move from one grade to the next, making research a natural progression of elementary life. EXPOS help produce confident public speakers, thoughtful researchers, and engaged members of their community as they practice listening skills.