Julienne Sweeney, SH Tennis Player, Advances to State!

Coach Lindemann, Sweeney & Coach Turner

Coach Lindemann, Sweeney & Coach Turner

Sweeney preparing to serve

Sweeney preparing to serve

High School tennis player, Julienne Sweeney, advanced to the state tournament in class 1A high school tennis after going undefeated at the TAPPS Regional Tennis Tournament last weekend.  She won her first games 8-0 & 8-0.  She then played Wichita Christian's, JC Nichols, and won 6-3 & 6-0.  Her final match was cancelled due to lightening.  According to Coach Michael Turner, "Sweeney played really well, learned a lot and is ready to represent the school well at state in Waco next week!!!!  Go Christ Academy tennis!"


Brooke Clark